The Six Gun Gorilla Chapters 41-46
XLI (41) — THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS With a crackling roar, the flames rushed up the steep slope, feeding on the dense, dry bushes which grew there. So thick was the undergrowth that in […]
XLI (41) — THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS With a crackling roar, the flames rushed up the steep slope, feeding on the dense, dry bushes which grew there. So thick was the undergrowth that in […]
XXXVI (36) — THE MYSTERY RESCUER The Redskins saw a monstrous shape rise from the grass. The sight of it froze the blood in their veins. It was well over six feet in height, with […]
XXXI (31) — THE BLOCKADED MINE “We’ll soon fix that!” growled one of the miners, and he opened a bottle of strong smelling hair oil, which he kept for use for his occasional visits to […]
XXVI (26) — THE GOLD-COACH HOLDUP The stagecoach was bowling along smoothly over a comparatively level trail. There were not many passengers aboard, but, judging by the effort the horses were putting out, there was […]
XXI. — THE CAPTURE OF O’NEIL While O’Neil was searching for them up in the saloon, the two shivering men in the cellar had a terrifying time. They strained their ears for every sound. Twice […]
XVI. — STRAWHAN’S PEPPER PLOT The locomotive gradually increased its speed. The shaking and the rocking made the gorilla aware that something unusual was happening. It fired blindly with its revolver and knocked off the […]
XI (11) — THE CORDON IS BROKEN A manhunt was going on at dead of night in the mining camp of Cripple Creek. The search was being made from shack to shack, from cabin to […]
VI. — SIX SINISTER STICKS On the slope leading down the ford the lame horse stumbled, and Jim Lane rolled to the ground. He was up in a moment, darted behind a boulder, and crouched […]
I. — MASTERS DECIDES TO QUIT Bart Masters threw down his pick with a grunt of relief. The sun had sunk so low in the sky that it was almost dark now at the bottom […]
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